A marketing strategy is a business's overall game plan for reaching people and turning them into customers of the product or service that the business provides. The marketing strategy of a company contains the company’s , key marketing messages, information on the target customer and other high-level elements...
Image result for marketing strategy definition

BREAKING DOWN 'Trading Strategy'

A trading strategy includes a well-considered investing and trading plan that specifies investing objectives, risk tolerance, time horizon and tax implications. Ideas and best practices need to be researched and adopted then adhered to Planing and trading... 

Image result for marketing strategy definition

  • understand Customer – Develop clear personas for each group properly services providing to customers. problem your customer, and understand their need points. This will help you come up with marketing campaigns and strategies that highlight the benefits your product/service offers to them as a solution to their specific challenges.
  • Market Research – Market research is needed to find out key metrics and data required for crafting a strategy. For example, you need to know the total available market, which geographical areas your target customers are located in, where they can be found online, market growth potential, latest market trends....
  • Image result for local area market indian shop
  • Competitor Analysis – Find out who your competition is, and what they are doing that you can do better. There are professional tools and techniques available for different aspects of competitor analysis.
                 1) Business Analysis 
                 2) Research 
                 3) Planing 
                 4) Adverting  
                 5) Marketing      
                 6) communication skill 
For example, you can use tools such as SEO Profile to understand the online marketing strategies of your competitors.
Image result for Competitor Analysis man
For example, you can use tools such as SEO Profile to understand the online marketing strategies of your competitors. You can get a full list of all the keywords they are targeting, and then focus on them in your website to beat them at their own game.   
Image result for online marketing
 Similarly, you can do some mystery shopping to find out how each competitor tries to convert a lead into a sale. You can then incorporate the best parts of each competitor’s marketing and sales pitch and techniques into your own sales process...
